Back to My Roots: From Childhood Cards to a Creative Business

Back to My Roots: From Childhood Cards to a Creative Business

Growing up in a home where card-making and writing were important traditions, I learned early on the power of a handwritten note. Every gift received was followed by a thank you note, teaching me the importance of gratitude and making others feel loved through simple, heartfelt gestures. Christmas was a special time when we created cards for everyone, and Valentine's Day turned our home into a "valentine factory" filled with laughter and lots of pink hearts and glitter. These moments are core memories that contributed to my love for creating.

My very first business venture was a collaboration with my sisters – we decided to create and sell cat-themed cards at local rummage sales. We made countless cards, which admittedly were not very high quality - and set up tables at various sales. Although we only sold a few cards, the experience planted the seeds of entrepreneurship in me. 

A few years later, with improved art skills and my mom's encouragement, I revisited card-making. My older sister joined me, and we did a few art markets together. Despite our enthusiasm and improved designs (photo below of the black and white cards I made at age 12), sales were modest, and the challenges of finding the right markets was discouraging. I eventually shifted my focus to a more profitable venture – raising chickens and selling eggs.

During college, my passion for digital art led me to start selling stickers. Opening an Etsy shop marked the beginning of a new chapter, and I found joy in seeing my designs come to life. I still love creating stickers, and you can shop my stickers here.  If you're interested in creating your own stickers, I highly recommend Sticker Mule (affiliate link) for their exceptional quality and small sample order options, perfect for testing new designs.

Less than a year ago, I organically returned to greeting cards. I started making them for friends and family, and after a suggestion to sell them, I tested the waters at a market. They outperformed my stickers, and seeing people’s joy at picking out the perfect card for their loved ones reignited my love for card-making. It feels like coming full circle, returning to my roots and creating meaningful connections through my art.

I am blessed to be able to create cards and pursue my artistic passion while staying home with my two kiddos.  And I continue to create cards with my one-year-old daughter, passing on the tradition and joy of handmade cards. I am deeply grateful for your support in this journey to brighten people’s days with cards and small gifts. As a token of appreciation, enjoy 10% off any purchase with the code BACKTOCARDS.

Don't be afraid to follow your passions and see where they take you. It may take a few tries to get it right, but with perseverance and belief in yourself, great things are possible. Thank you for being part of my journey!

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